I am really excited and looking to my trip! This week I'm on vacation anyway because we're done with all of our exams (which I did quite good on!!), so on Monday I went to "Club Grau" with Maria, which is a club with 2 pools, tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts, ping pong tables, a gym and all kinds of sport equipment. It was really hot as usual, so we went for a swim, then ate a little Cebiche with her uncle who had come too. Then we went to buy some things I needed for my trip and then I went home. In the evening I went to the gym, as usual, and then walked home with my boyfriend. On Tuesday I spent over 3 hours washing all my clothes and hanging it up to dry. Then I went with Lisa, Steve and Naja to get our bus tickets, then went to convert some dollars into soles, came home, changed, and went straight to the gym. In the evening I stayed up until late folding clothes and checking what I am going to take with me on my trip. Today, Wednesday, I got up early, at 7, and helped my sister type a paper for the university. She tells me what she wants me to write and I write it, but I have to be honest, it's not easy, because my sister is a law stundent and there are just so many words that I don't know, which has nothing to do with my lack of knowing spanish, law is like a whole nother language!!
I went to the market with my aunt and bought a travel bag and some other things I needed. Then we went home, Maria came and we went to eat Cebiche and Chicharron with Ricardo, Jose and Gustavo, the birthday boy.
On Thursay I packed my bags, got ready, and left for the bus stop with Tefy. I got lucky and got to sit in the VIP section because one AFS person ended up stayiong in Piura for personal reasons. I sat next to Doreen, a girl from Belgium and Lisa and Naja sat behind us. We left at 4:45 p.m. on Thursay and got to Lima at 7:15 a.m. on Friday. It was a 14 and a half hour ride and although the VIP seats are really comfortable I could hardly sleep.
We waited for the AFS people from other cities like Chiclayo and then were brought to the monk school we stayed at when we first got to Lima in September.
I went to the market with my aunt and bought a travel bag and some other things I needed. Then we went home, Maria came and we went to eat Cebiche and Chicharron with Ricardo, Jose and Gustavo, the birthday boy.
On Thursay I packed my bags, got ready, and left for the bus stop with Tefy. I got lucky and got to sit in the VIP section because one AFS person ended up stayiong in Piura for personal reasons. I sat next to Doreen, a girl from Belgium and Lisa and Naja sat behind us. We left at 4:45 p.m. on Thursay and got to Lima at 7:15 a.m. on Friday. It was a 14 and a half hour ride and although the VIP seats are really comfortable I could hardly sleep.
We waited for the AFS people from other cities like Chiclayo and then were brought to the monk school we stayed at when we first got to Lima in September.