Last week we went to the university to hear Charo and her choir sing. It was kind of like a church service, because it was at the university's chapel, so it took really long. Basically it was a priest chanting in Spansih, and the only time I wasn't really bored was when the choir was singing, which was beautiful! It was really windy and everyone was cold, but we stuck it out, and it was ok. I dressed up for the occasion with Charo's clothes, and so I was wearing a nice shirt, a blouse and a skirt, everything in black and high heals, and I'll tell you this: I felt like a giant!!!! I think, I was the tallest woman there that night! =)
In one picture you can see how tall I am with the h
igh heels compared to my cousin Meli. She's naturally small, but I seriously look huge!!
Everybody loves soccer here (well, the boys do). There aren't many games in the stadium, because the teams are so bad, but everytime there's a major game of Peru on TV the teachers and the students bet on who is going to win. So when Peru-Argentina played the teachers bet that Argentina would win, and if they didn't they would buy a meal (chicken) for every single student in our class, but if Argentina did win, the class would have to buy a meal (chicken) for the teachers. And if the teams tie then the teachers and the students would go out to eat together.
I watched the game at home with Charo and guess what happened. They tied in the last second. 1:1. So on Friday we were supposed to go out to eat with the teachers. We said we would meet at 7 o'clock. I was there at 7:10, but nobody else was. My mom and Meli explained to me that Peruvian time is different-->they are always at least a half an hour late, and so we waited and Meli and I took pictures of each other. 
Half an hour later there was still noone there, so I called my friend and she told me t go to another restaurant. There I met 5 of my friends. They were the only ones who had come. Even the teachers hadn't kept their promise!!!!!
So the 6 of us ate chicken with fries and drank Inka Cola, was reallt tasty. Then Sofia and I went to the bathroom and took lots of crazy pictures--> really fun.
Afterwards AnaLu and her friend got me from the restaurant and we went to her house for a while. Then we took a taxi to where two more friends were waiting and there we waited for Tefy, another friend from quinto. =) Then I went with her and my other friends from quinto and we just hung out and talked and was really fun.