The ones who went to sleep got woken up at 4 am. We packed all our and were brought to the airport. We had to wear mouth masks because of the swine flu. In the plane I got a window seat next to my friend Thomas from Germany. We spent the whole flight comparing German German with Austrian German, which was quite fun. It was only a one hour flight over the mountains, which was really beautiful and when we got off the plane it was really cold. I could see my own breath , so I quickly bought some gloves and got on the bus that brought us to our hotel. We went straight to our rooms, to bed, which is were I stayed all day, because I feeling bad. The rest of the AFS people went out for lunch and sight seeing around Cusco. Diddi brought me wool socks when she got back in the evening. All I ate all day was a little piece of bread and I drank Coca tea, which is good for you, especially if you have a stomache ache. The second day we all got up early, I felt a little better, so I went with the whole group on a sight seeing tour through Cusco. When we got back to the hotel we got our bacgs ready and went to the train station. We had to wait for two hours and it was freezing cold, so we ate warm, salty, delicous corn. It was an hour to Aguas Calientes, the city you go from to Machu Pichhu. We split up into our rooms, I shared a room with Diddi and Miriam (New Zealand).
The next day we got up at 4 am, ate breakfast, left the hotel at 5:15am and got into the long line of people waiting to get on the bus to Machu Picchu. We finally got on a bus, and a half an hour later we were in Machu Picchu. We started walking around and our tour guide explained Machu Picchu's history to us. Then everybody from our group, minus 6 girls and the guide went up a very dangerous trail on a mountain called Waynapicchu. I didn't go because I was still feeling bad and had a stomach ache, but I still had to walk a lot, because Machu Picchu is enormous. After our very private tour we just enjoyed the sun that had found its way out between the clouds and enjoyed the beautiful view of Machu Picchu. Around 12 o'clock the 6 of us got back on the bus and went back to Aguas Calientes because we still wanted to get some shopping done. In Peru, you always have to bargain, because they always tell you a higher price than it actually is. Diddi and I have gotten quite good at bargaining and it's really fun too. The trick is to bargain as long as you can and if they don't want to go down any lower with the price you just walk away slowly and most of the time they yell "ya, señorita" after you, which means, they give up, and you got the price you wanted. At 4pm we went to the train station and back to Cusco. For some unknown reason this train ride back, which should have been, like the train ride there, an hour, took 3 hours plus then half an hour in a bus to our hotel we had stayed at before. As soon as we got to our room we got showered and got ready to go out to eat and then to the disco. I still had a really bad stomach ache, so all I had to eat was soup. Then we went to dance, in a bar full of foreigners and I got to know some intersting people: a guy from Argentina, a guy from Brasil, a guy from Egypt and a guy from Israel. I spoke English and Spanish with all of them. We got home late and went straight to bed, it was freezing at night.
The next day we got up early again, as always, and went off in groups. Diddi and I went shopping and I got a little present for each one of my peruvian family member, minus the dog, my 3 best friend Ricardo, Maria and Jose and my boyfriend Carlos. At 2 we got all our stuff and got on the bus to the airport. We had to wait for only half an hour and then boarded the plane. This time i sat next to two guys from Argentina, I think. We landed in Lima an hour later, got jammed into a little combi, 11 people plus all our luggage, which was a lot, because everyone bought a lot of stuff, and went to the AFS office. We stayed there for about an hour and then went to the bus station. AFS payed for a sandwich and drink fot us. I was the first one to go and I was the only one from Piura who went to Cusco. Luckily I had a seat by myself in VIP and I was really tired, so I even sleep for a couple of hours, which I normally can't do. We got served Sangria (wine), dinner, which I didn't eat, tea or coffee and breakfast. It was a 14 and a half hour ride, but finally I got to Piura and went home by taxi. I said hi to everyone, gave them their presents, which made them happy and spent the day with tefy and my little cousin Karina. It's really good to be home!!! =)