Another time AnaLu, Tefy and Alba cam to my house to watch a movie. We ordered some food and watched "PS. I love you". After the movie they stayed for a while to talk, sing, play the gu
itar and stuff. It was really fun!! =)
On Saturday there was an AFS meeting, because some new people had arrived. We all went to a restaurant. Steve ( Switerland) and Lisa (Germany), two good friends of mine and I had a lot to talk about and it was fun!!! Then Lisa and I went home with one of the AFS volunteers, Mery, who live really close to our homes. My family was out eating, so I went to Mery's house for a while. We talked and stuff,...she's really nice!

Then in the evening the AFS "crowd" went to Queens, the disco. I danced a lot and got to know lots of new awesome people. After Queens I slept at my friend AniLu's house. She's 19 and she was in America for a year, so she speaks really good English. Then my family got me the next day and we went to eat in restaurant. It was tasty!!
That's pretty much all I did on my vacation. =)