I'm back home with my old family. It feels good to sleep in my own bed again =) I switched classes on Friday, from cuarto to quinto, because I'm going to be graduating and going to the "fiesta de promocion" with quinto in december, so my tutor thought it would be good to get to know all of the kids better. My best "girl"friend Tefy is in quinto, so that's cool and I made some new friends too.
This is what I did on the weekend: on friday there was a "50 years AFS Peru- Piura" party, which was awesome. Almost all the AFS students from Chiclayo inculding my friends Diddi (Austria) and Miriam (New Zealand) came and I sang " I don't wanna miss a thing" by Aerosmith and I even had my picture in the newspaper again ( for the third time since I've been here!!! ). I went with my mom, my brother and my boyfriend Diego. It was a lot smaller that the fiesta in Lima, but it was fun as well.