Hi everyone and welcome to my blog!!
I created this blog so people can experience with me my adventure in Peru. In exactly two weeks ( not counting today) I will be sitting on an airplane and flying to a continent I have never been to.
There is so much to prepare, from getting a visa, getting shots to packing lightly, since I'm only allowed to take 20 kg with me. Oh, and having a going-away party, which was a lot of fun, by the way.

Tomorrow Diddi is coming. She's also going to Peru, but to a different city. I'm going to Piura, which is really close to Ecuador, and Diddi will be a little further south in Chiclayo.
There were some complications with our visa, so we have to go to Vienna on Thursday to get things straightened out.
I have to prepare a presentation about Austria in Spanish, which Diddi and I are going to work on together. I wonder if they even know where Austria is...
1 Kommentar:
Hi Dani!
It's getting close now...what (else) can I do to help?
Love ya!
or should I say te amo
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